This volume brings out the proceedings of the workshop “Next Generation Design and Veri?cation Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems” c- ducted by General Motors R&D, India Science Lab, Bangalore. This workshop is the ?rst of its kind to be organised by an automotive Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to bring together the experts in the ?eld of embedded systems development to present state-of-the-art work, and to discuss future strategies for addressing the increasing complexity of embedded control systems. The theme of the workshop is an important focus area for the current and future automotive systems. Embedded Control Systems are growing in complexity with the increased use of electronics and software in high-integrity applications for automotive and aerospace domains. In these domains, they provide for enhanced safety, automation and c- fort. Such embedded control systems are distributed, fault-tolerant, real-time systems with hybrid (discrete and continuous) behaviour. Furthermore, many of the control functions, such as by-wire controls, have stringent performance and high-integrity requirements. The research community has been addressing these challenges, and over the last few years, several design methodologies and tools for developing distributed emb- ded control systems have emerged. In spite of these, development of embedded c- trol applications remains a daunting task, requiring a great degree of human skill, expertise, time, and effort. It is imperative to invest signi?cant R&D effort in coming up with methods and tools for future embedded control applications.
An Abstraction Technique for Real-Time Verification.- SCADE: Synchronous Design and Validation of Embedded Control Software.- Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems: The Sys Weaver Approach.- Verification and Integration of Real-Time Control Software.- Merge Algorithms for Intelligent Vehicles.- All Those Duration Calculi: An Integrated Approach.- Adding Time to Scenarios.- Using System-Level Timing Analysis for the Evaluation and Synthesis of Automotive Architectures.- Verifiable Design of Asynchronous Software.- Approximate Symbolic Reachability of Networks of Transition Systems.- Schedule Verification and Synthesis for Embedded Real-Time Components.- An Instrumentation-Based Approach to Controller Validation.- A Design Methodology for Distributed Real-Time Automotive Applications.- Role of Formal Methods in the Automobile Industry.- Predicting Failures of and Repairing Inductive Proof Attempts.- Can Semi-Formal be Made More Formal?.- Beyond Satisfiability: Extensions and Applications.- Compositional Reactive Semantics of System C and Verification with Rule Base.- PSL: Beyond Hardware Verification.- On the Polychronous Approach to Embedded Software Design.- Scaling up Model-checking.- Performance Debugging of Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems.
Про автора
Dr. Ramesh is the Chiarman of the ‘Next Generation Design and Verification Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems’, 5 – 6 Jan. 2007 in NIAS Auditorium, IISc Campus, Bangalore, India. He is also a seniro member of the GM R&D, Bangalore, India.