Автор: Samuel M. Behloul

Samuel M. Behloul (PD Dr. phil.) was director of the »migratio«, the commission of the Swiss Bishops” Conference for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. Susanne Leuenberger (lic. phil.) lives in Berne. Andreas Tunger-Zanetti (Dr. phil.) is Coordinator of the Center for Research on Religion at the University of Lucerne.

2 Електронні книги від Samuel M. Behloul

Samuel M. Behloul & Susanne Leuenberger: Debating Islam
Conspicuously, Islam has become a key concern in most European societies with respect to issues of immigration, integration, identity, values and inland security. As the mere presence of Muslim …
Martin Baumann & Samuel M. Behloul: Religiöser Pluralismus
Interdisziplinär konzipiert, zeigt dieses Buch in historischer und gegenwartsbezogener Perspektive die Komplexität und den Facettenreichtum des religiösen Pluralismus auf, der unsere gesellschaftlich …