Автор: Sarah Hibberd

Miranda Stanyon is a lecturer in Comparative Literature at King”s College London. She works on eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century literary culture and has published widely on music and sound, aesthetics, and emotions history, including articles for Modern Philology, the Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Huntington Library Quarterly, German Quarterly and Studies in Romanticism.

5 Електронні книги від Sarah Hibberd

Sarah Hibberd: Melodramatic Voices: Understanding Music Drama
The genre of mélodrame à grand spectacle that emerged in the boulevard theatres of Paris in the 1790s – and which was quickly exported abroad – expressed the moral struggle between good and evil thr …
Sarah Hibberd: Melodramatic Voices: Understanding Music Drama
The genre of mélodrame à grand spectacle that emerged in the boulevard theatres of Paris in the 1790s – and which was quickly exported abroad – expressed the moral struggle between good and evil thr …
Francesca Brittan & Sarah Hibberd: Berlioz and His World
A collection of essays and short object lessons on the composer Hector Berlioz, published in collaboration with the Bard Music Festival.Hector Berlioz (1803 1869) has long been a difficult figure to …