‘Wise Church is about rethinking church cultures so they become more of a wisdom culture. The topics vary as widely as church life itself: letter writing as pastoral care, the work life of congregants, evangelism, music, church economics, spiritual formation as the pursuit of wisdom, racial justice, marriage, learning how to teach like Jesus, gospeling like the apostles, and the wise use of social media. These studies are by pastors and scholars pondering wisdom, but more than that, they are pondering the life we all live in a wise way. We and our churches need wisdom, not simply because we live in an ever-changing world, but because the God we worship is himself wise. Wise church cultures reflect the wisdom of God back into the world, a world looking for wisdom.’
With contributions from:
Jeff Bannman
Jeremy Berg
Brandon Evans
Pete Goodman
David Johnston
Ernest F. Ledbetter III
Julie Murdock
Joshua Little
John M. Phelps
Ivan Ramirez
Bill D. Shiell
Про автора
Daniel J. Hanlon is an Anglican priest in the Kigali Diocese of the Anglican Church of Rwanda and a graduate of Northern Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Dan and his wife, Kari, have lived and served in Kigali for ten years.