The no B.S. guide to saving money
With some out-of-the-box thinking, simple lifestyle changes, and a thoughtful evaluation of your spending, you can have enough left over to save and invest.
In Attack Your Expenses, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:
The 4 spinning plates of personal finance that you need to balance, and how each will bring you closer to financial freedom
The main expenses you should focus on reducing to make a significant impact on your cost of living
A unique living arrangement that, in some cases, will have you being paid to live in someone else’s house
How you can better food while cutting down on your grocery bills at the same time
How sharing with others can pay off for you, not just socially, but also mentally and financially
The cheapest way to get an education
Extreme examples of creative frugality that show you just what’s possible when it comes to saving money
And much, much more.
If you’re serious about saving more money, you are in the right place. You can’t lose on this book.
Take action today!