Ibrahim Aljarah is an associate professor of BIG Data Mining and Computational Intelligence at the University of Jordan-Department of Information Technology, Jordan. Currently, he is the Director of the Open Educational Resources and Blended Learning Center at The University of Jordan. He obtained his Ph D in computer science from the North Dakota State University, USA, in 2014. He also obtained the master degree in computer science and information systems from the Jordan University of Science and Technology – Jordan in 2006. He obtained the bachelor degree in Computer Science from Yarmouk University – Jordan, 2003. He participated in many conferences in the field of data mining, machine learning, and Big data such as CEC, GECCO, NTIT, CSIT, IEEE NABIC, CASON, and BIGDATA Congress. Furthermore, he contributed in many projects in USA such as Vehicle Class Detection System (VCDS), Pavement Analysis Via Vehicle Electronic Telemetry (PAVVET), and Farm Cloud Storage System(CSS) projects. He has published more than 60 papers in refereed inter-national conferences and journals. His research focuses on Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning, Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Big Data, Map Reduce, Hadoop, Swarm intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, and large-scale distributed algorithms.
Hossam Faris is a Professor in the Information Technology Department at King Abdullah II School for Information Technology at The University of Jordan, Jordan. Hossam Faris received his B.A. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from the Yarmouk University and Al-Balqa’ Applied University in 2004 and 2008, respectively, in Jordan. He was awarded a full-time competition-based scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Education and Research to peruse his Ph.D. degrees in e-Business at the University of Salento, Italy, where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2011. In 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher with the Ge Neura team at the Information and Communication Technologies Research Center (CITIC), University of Granada, Spain. His research interests include applied computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, knowledge systems, data mining, semantic web, and ontologies.
Seyedali Mirjalili is an Associate Professor and the director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Optimization at Torrens University Australia. He is internationally recognized for his advances in Swarm Intelligence and Optimization, including the first set of algorithms from a synthetic intelligence standpoint – a radical departure from how natural systems are typically understood – and a systematic design framework to reliably benchmark, evaluate, and propose computationally cheap robust optimization algorithms. He has published over 200 publications with over 20, 000 citations and is in the list of 1% highly-cited researchers by Web of Science. Seyedali is a senior member of IEEE and an associate editor of severaljournals including Neurocomputing, Applied Soft Computing, Advances in Engineering Software, Applied Intelligence, and IEEE Access. His research interests include Robust Optimization, Engineering Optimization, Multi-objective Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithms, Machine Learning, and Artificial Neural Networks.
14 Електронні книги від Seyedali Mirjalili
Seyedali Mirjalili & Jin Song Dong: Multi-Objective Optimization using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
This book focuses on the most well-regarded and recent nature-inspired algorithms capable of solving optimization problems with multiple objectives. Firstly, it provides preliminaries and essential d …
Shahrzad Saremi & Seyedali Mirjalili: Optimisation Algorithms for Hand Posture Estimation
This book reviews the literature on hand posture estimation using generative methods, identifying the current gaps, such as sensitivity to hand shapes, sensitivity to a good initial posture, difficul …
Jin Song Dong & Andrew Lewis: Nature-Inspired Optimizers
This book covers the conventional and most recent theories and applications in the area of evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, and meta-heuristics. Each chapter offers a comprehensive descri …
Seyedali Mirjalili: Evolutionary Algorithms and Neural Networks
This book introduces readers to the fundamentals of artificial neural networks, with a special emphasis on evolutionary algorithms. At first, the book offers a literature review of several well-regar …
Seyedali Mirjalili & Hossam Faris: Evolutionary Machine Learning Techniques
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the current evolutionary machine learning techniques. Discussing the most highly regarded methods for classification, clustering, regression, and prediction …
Ibrahim Aljarah & Hossam Faris: Evolutionary Data Clustering: Algorithms and Applications
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the current evolutionary clustering techniques. It discusses the most highly regarded methods for data clustering. The book provides literature reviews abou …
Vishal Goyal & Manish Gupta: Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Artificial Intelligence
This book is a collection of best selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Communication and Artificial Intelligence (ICCAI 2021), held in the Department of Electronics & …
Seyedali Mirjalili: Handbook of Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm
Moth-Flame Optimization algorithm is an emerging meta-heuristic and has been widely used in both science and industry. Solving optimization problem using this algorithm requires addressing a number o …
Seyedali Mirjalili: Handbook of Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm
Moth-Flame Optimization algorithm is an emerging meta-heuristic and has been widely used in both science and industry. Solving optimization problem using this algorithm requires addressing a number o …
Anupam Biswas & Can B. Kalayci: Advances in Swarm Intelligence
Swarm Intelligence (SI) has grown significantly, both from the perspective of algorithmic development and applications covering almost all disciplines science and technology. This book emphasizes the …
Anand J. Kulkarni & Seyedali Mirjalili: Intelligent Systems and Applications
This book comprises the proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ICISA 2022). The contents of this volume focus on novel and modified artificial intelligen …
Amir Hossein Gandomi & Ali Mirjalili: Comprehensive Metaheuristics
Comprehensive Metaheuristics: Algorithms and Applications presents the foundational underpinnings of metaheuristics and a broad scope of algorithms and real-world applications across a variety of res …
Manolo Dulva Hina & Seyedali Mirjalili: Future Research Directions in Computational Intelligence
This book presents select papers from 3rd EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications (CICom 2022). The papers reveal recent advances in the broader domains of Compu …
Seyedali Mirjalili: Handbook of Whale Optimization Algorithm
Handbook of Whale Optimization Algorithm: Variants, Hybrids, Improvements, and Applications provides the most in-depth look at an emerging meta-heuristic that has been widely used in both science and …