This proceedings issue contains a collection of 11 papers presented during the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January, 2009. Papers in this proceedings were presented from one of the three symposia listed below: Symposium 6 – Key Materials and Technologies for Efficient Direct Thermal-to-Electrical Conversion; Symposium 11 – Symposium on Advanced Dielectrics, Piezoelectric, Ferroelectric, and Multiferroic Materials; Focused Session 2 – Materials for Solid State Lighting.
Dielectric, Pezioelectric, Ferroelectric, and Multiferroic
Piezoelectric Composite Materials and Structures (Andreas J.
Piezoelectricity in (K, Na)Nb O3 Based Ceramics (Cheol-Woo Ahn,
Chee-Sung Park, Sahn Nahm, and Shashank Priya).
Phase Relationship and Microwave Dielectric Properties in the
Vicinity of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 (Hitoshi Ohsato, Eiichi Koga, Isao
Kgomiya, and Ken Ichi Kakimoto).
Magnetic Properties of Metal-Ceramic Composite Core-Shell
Structures Synthesized using Coprecipitation and Hetero-Coagulation
(M. Karmarkar, R. Islam, C.W. Ahn, J.T. Abiade, D. Kumar, D.
Viehiand and S. Priya).
Strong Electric Field Tuning of Magnetism in Multiferroic
Heterostructures (Ming Liu, Jing Lou, Ogheneyunume Obi, David
Reed, Carl Pettiford, Stephen Stoute and Nian X. Sun).
Mechanical Strain and Piezoelectric Properties of PZT Stacks
RElated to Semi-Bipolar Electric Cyclic Fatigue (Hong Wang,
Hua-Tay Lin, Thomas A. Cooper, and Andrew A. Wereszczak).
Intergranular Fractal Impedance Analysis of Microstructure and
Electrical Properties of Rare-Earth Doped Ba Ti O3 (V. Mitic, V.B.
Pavlovic, Lj Kocic, V. Paunovic, and D. Mancic).
Thermal to Electric Conversion.
Ca-Doping and Thermoelectric Properties of Cax Co O2 Epitaxial
Films (Kenji Sugiura, Hiromichi Ohta, Kenji Nomura, Hideo
Hosono, and Kunihito Koumouto).
Thermoelectric Generators (David Michael Rowe).
Chemical Thermodynamic in Thermoelectric Materials (Jean
Claude Tedenac, R.M. Marin Ayral, Didier Ravot, and F.
Strength of Bismuth Telluride (A.A. Wereszczak, T.P.
Kirkland, O.M. Jadaan, and H. Wang).
Materials for Solid State Lighting.
Sulfoselenide Phosphors and Nanophosphors for Solid-State
Lighting (H. Menkara, T.R. Morris II, R.A. Gilstrap Jr, B.K.
Wagner, and C.J. Summers).
Author Index.
Про автора
Shashank Priya and Anke Weidenkaff are the authors of Advances in Electronic Ceramics II, Volume 30, Issue 9, published by Wiley.