Children and teenagers often struggle to cope with anger, and angry feelings can boil over into aggression and destructive behaviour. This updated and extended resource takes a different approach to anger, teaching children how to be angry effectively, rather than telling them not to be angry at all.
Encouraging appropriate anger management through group work and tailored lessons, the book is also accompanied by downloadable additional resources demonstrating the activities and offering adaptations for parents. Suitable for use with children and teenagers aged 5 – 18, this engaging resource will help children to overcome self-destructive patterns of passive, aggressive, and passive aggressive behaviour.
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Signe Whitson is an author and internationally-recognized speaker with over 20 years of experience working with children, teens, and families. She is a licensed social worker, Dean of Students at a K-8 school in northeastern Massachusetts, and the Chief Operating Officer of the Life Space Crisis Intervention Institute, an international training and certification program for helping young people turn problem situations into learning opportunities. Signe is the author of eight books, including How to Be Angry: Strategies to Help Kids Express Anger Constructively (Jessica Kingsley Publishers). For more information, please visit