Creativity and play erupt in the most solemn of everyday worlds as individuals reshape traditional forms in the light of changing historical circumstances. In this lively volume, fourteen distinguished anthropologists explore the life of creativity in social life across the globe and within the study of ethnography itself. Contributors include Barbara A. Babcock, Edward M. Bruner, James W. Fernandez, Don Handelman, Smadar Lavie, José E. Limon, Barbara Myerhoff, Kirin Narayan, Renato Rosaldo, Richard Schechner, Edward L. Schieffelin, Marjorie Shostak, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, and Edith Turner.
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Smadar Lavie is a Scholar in Residence at the Beatrice Bain Research Group of the University of California, Berkeley’s Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and a visiting professor at the Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century, University College Cork. She is the author of The Poetics of Military Occupation and Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture. Kirin Narayan is Professor in the School of Culture, History and Language at the Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific. She is the author of Storytellers, Saints and Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious Teaching and the novel Love, Stars and All That. Renato Rosaldo is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. He is the author of Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis and editor most recently of Cultural Citizenship in Island Southeast Asia: Nation and Belonging in the Hinterlands.