Автор: Stacey Zones

Prof. AVELINO CORMA was born in Moncófar, Spain in 1951. He studied Chemistry at the Universidad de Valencia (1967-1973), and received his Ph.D. at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1976. He was a Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of chemical engineering at the Queen?s University (Canada, 1977-79). Prof. Corma is the director of the Instituto de Tecnología Química (UPV-CSIC) at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia since 1990. His current research field is catalysis, and molecular sieves covering aspects of synthesis, characterization and reactivity in acid-base and redox catalysis. Avelino Corma is co-author of more than 700 articles and 100 patents on these subjects. Prof. JIRÍ CEJKA was born in Roudnice nad Labem, former Czechoslovakia, in 1960. He studied at the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague and received his Ph.D. at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Prague in 1988. At present he is a head of the Department of Synthesis and Catalysis at J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague and lecturer at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University in Prague. In 2005 he chaired the 3rd FEZA Conference on Zeolites in Prague. His research interests comprise: synthesis of zeolites, mesoporous and novel nano-structured materials, physical chemistry of sorption and catalysis, and investigation of the role of porous catalysts in transformations of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Jirí Cejka is co-author of about 200 research papers and co-editor of 5 books. Dr. STACEY I. ZONES is a Research Fellow at Chevron”s Energy and Technology Center in Richmond, CA, USA. He is the senior researcher in a group which strives to invent and explore newer zeolites and then follow through in finding applications for their use, ways to tailor their properties and methods to develop more econmical routes to introduce them into the commercial world. The group also looks for novel applications of zeolites in emerging technologies. Dr. Zones has been a co-inventor on more than 100 patents and a co-author on more than 100 journal publications. He has also been a frequent speaker and participant in the zeolite conferences around the world, and is a mentoring collaborator for elements of zeolite research programs at several universities.

1 Електронні книги від Stacey Zones

Jiri Cejka & Avelino Corma: Zeolites and Catalysis
This indispensable two-volume handbook covers everything on this hot research field. The first part deals with the synthesis, modification, characterization and application of catalytic active zeolit …