Автор: Stephen Andrew Linstead

My background includes undergraduate and Masters degrees in English Literature from the universities of Keele and Leeds , and a further Masters in Organization Development and Ph D from what is now Sheffield Hallam University . More recently I was awarded a D.LItt from Durham University . I have held Chairs in Wollongong (NSW), Sunderland . Essex and Durham before moving to York . I also spent 2 years as a Visting Scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

3 Електронні книги від Stephen Andrew Linstead

Heather Joy Höpfl & Stephen Andrew Linstead: The Aesthetics of Organization
Organizational aesthetics, both as a body of theory and a method of inquiry, is a rapidly expanding area of the organizational sciences. The Aesthetics of Organization accessibly draws key contributi …
Stephen Andrew Linstead: Organization Theory and Postmodern Thought
Despite questions over whether we are `past postmodernism′, much debate continues over the potential of postmodern philosophy for organizational theory. Hitherto, there has been no single source whic …
Robert Westwood & Stephen Andrew Linstead: The Language of Organization
The importance of communication for organizations has been an ongoing concern since management was first theorized. Yet language has tended to be viewed as simply a medium of communication – without …