Explores the paths of development unfolding from the inter-dependent histories of postwar Germany and the European integration process. The contributors explore these histories within the idea of ‘semi-sovereignty’: a set of constraints on the German state’s power within the external constraints of Germany’s multilateral commitments.
Democracy and Diplomacy, Germany and Europe; S. Bulmer, C. Jeffery and S. Padgett DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE IN GERMANY The Chancellor and Her Party; Clay Clemens Social Democratic Modernization; Germany and Spain Compared; S. Padgett and R. Gillespie Landmark Elections in Germany; T. Poguntke and G. Smith The Policy of the Middle Way: Germany since 1990; M. G. Schmidt Between Semi-sovereignty and Post-modernism? Economic Governance in Germany; S. Green Government and Industry Relations W. Grant EUROPEAN CONTEXTS Does Congruence Matter? Germany and Britain in the European Union; S. Bulmer and C. Jeffery Germany’s Role in European and International Security: Aims versus Action; E. Kirchner European Leadership in Transition: Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy; W. M. Chandler Gulliver’s Travail: Crafting a New Transatlantic Bargain; J. Sperling The Stille Allianz Revisited; A. Miskimmon and J. Roper Europe as a Global ´Civilian` Power?; H. Maull
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WILLIAM M. CHANDLER is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, USA CLAY CLEMENS is Chancellor Professor of Government at the College of William and Mary, USA RICHARD GILLESPIE is Professor in the School of Politics and Communication Studies at the University of Liverpool, UK WYN GRANT is Professor of Politics at the University of Warwick, UK SIMON GREEN is Professor of Politics and Co-Director of the Aston Centre for Europe (ACE) at Aston University, UK EMIL KIRCHNER is Professor of European Studies at the University of Essex, UK HANNS MAULL is Professor for Foreign Policy and International Relations at the University of Trier, Germany ALISTER MISKIMMON is Senior Lecturer in European Politics and International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK THOMAS POGUNTKE is Professor in Political Science and the German Political System at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany JOHN ROPER is Chairman of the European Union Select Committee in the House of Lords. He was from 1990-1995 the first Director of the Western European Union Institute for Security Studies in Paris, France MANFRED G. SCHMIDT is Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany GORDON SMITH is Professor Emeritus of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK JAMES SPERLING is Professor of Political Science at the Universityof Akron, USA.