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Scoring well on GRE Physics is essential for admission to a competitive graduate program. This book provides a thorough review of topics tested on GRE Physics, covering the principles and theories necessary to answer test questions. Understanding key concepts, extracting and analyzing information, and distinguishing between similar answer choices are more effective than mere memorization. This review prepares you to achieve a high score by confidently applying your knowledge when choosing correct answers.
This text is clearly presented and systematically organized to provide targeted GRE Physics preparation. Learn the scientific foundations and essential physics topics needed to master the material and answer test questions. These review chapters teach important principles and relationships and how they apply to questions.
Experienced physics instructors analyzed the test content and developed the material that builds knowledge and skills crucial for success. Our test preparation experts structured the content to match the current test requirements.
Using this book will significantly improve your score!
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Since 1991, Sterling Test Prep prepares students for academic success. Sterling Test Prep publishes more than 140 study aids for high school, undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Our writers, contributors, and editors are highly educated in sciences and humanities, with extensive classroom teaching and research experience. They are experts on preparing students for standardized tests, as well as undergraduate and graduate admissions coaching.