Ilvie little is glad she left the boring land of the elves. What there is to be experienced in the big, wide world! And when Ilvie and her friends head to the island of Akosua , even her little friend Theo is excited. But the fun doesn’t last long. Again, there are some dangerous situations that the crew of the Anastasia has to cope with. Is the evil Sicarius pirate gang still roving the seas? And why do all ships avoid the island of Cirsium?Amelie, the courageous navigator; Leonie, the brilliant captain; and Ilvie, the curious ex-elf, plunge into their next adventure! Of course, Carlos is also there: The best ship’s cook on all the seas, as the monkey Theo and ship’s dog Sammy claim.Will Ilvie and her friends find the lost treasure of Great-grandmother Grace?Sail along on the adventure of these intrepid sailors!A magical story for cool kids from 5 to 99.
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Als Regisseurin, Fotografin und Künstlerin hat Susanne Stemmer selber schon sehr viele Teile der Welt bereist. Nun schickt sie die Hauptfigur ihrer neuen Kinderbuchserie – Ilvie Little – auf Abenteuerreise. – Denn, wie Susanne und ihr Team finden: die Welt braucht unbedingt noch ein paar weitere weibliche Heldinnen, die Abenteuer erleben und mutig, unabhängig und frei sind.