I love to cook with natural ingredients that are grown in abundance around Mother Earth, together with our very own herbs and weeds.
Herbs are a natural flavoursome ingredient, which grow in pots or can be purchased dry. I implore you all to grow your own herbs; there is nothing nicer than adding them to your salads and stocks to give them their own natural character, rather than some salt-infused flavour from the supermarket.
If you have a larger garden leave some plants to go to seed. Either gather and save the seeds or just let them lie where they fall; they”ll germinate next spring.
I have incorporated a list of culinary herbs to help guide you in your herb use. I have also added a list of my favourite weeds; these probably grow in abundance in your garden, too. We call these plants weeds but do remember they reproduce in abundance and grow pest-free year in and year out. I implore you to think about it: the weeds you are getting rid of may very well have more minerals and vitamins than green vegetables bought at a grocer. My list contains a few of my favourite weeds, for consumption and for medicinal use.
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Suzanne K Massee: Back to Basics Harvest
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Suzanne K Massee: Suzanne’s Easy to Follow Baking Recipes
With easy to follow step by step recipes you can create delightful; Baked Slices – Cakes – Biscuits – Christmas Cakes – Desserts – and Gluten Free recipes. Added extra; how to make Dairy Products, di …
Suzanne K Massee: Thoughts Create
This is who you really are; You are a vortex of energy residing in a physical house to expand your consciousness which is eternal. You were eager to play the dance and to remember your vortex of ener …