Vor den frühen 90er Jahren wurde Equity Style Management hauptsächlich deskriptiv eingesetzt, mit Klassifizierungen und Rangfolgen von Aktien und Portfolios auf der Basis von Finanzkennzahlen wie KGV, Dividendenrendite und Ergebniswachstumsraten. Das quantitative ‘ertragsbasierte’ Equity-Style-Modell des Nobel-Preisträgers William Sharpe ermöglichte präzisere Definitionen der Investmentstile in der Aktienanlage (z.B. Value, Growth, Small Caps oder Large Caps) und relativ präzise Schätzungen des Beitrages der einzelnen Kategorien zur Gesamtportfoliorendite. Dadurch wurde das Aktienmanagement revolutioniert und zum Schwerpunkt intensiver theoretischer und praxisorientierter Forschungen.
About the Editors.
Overview of the Book.
Contributing Authors.
CHAPTER 1. Style Analysis: Asset Allocation and Performance Evaluation (Arik Ben Dor and Ravi Jagannathan).
CHAPTER 2. The Many Elements of Equity Style: Quantitative Management of Core, Growth, and Value Strategies (Robert D.Arnott and Christopher G. Luck).
CHAPTER 3. Models of Equity Style Information (Robert C.Radcliffe).
CHAPTER 4. Style Analysis: A Ten-Year Retrospective and Commentary (R. Stephen Hardy).
CHAPTER 5. More Depth and Breadth than the Style Box: The Morningstar Lens (Paul D. Kaplan, James A. Knowles, and Don Phillips).
CHAPTER 6. Using Portfolio Holdings to Improve the Search for Skill (Ronald J. Surz).
CHAPTER 7. Are Growth and Value Dead?: A New Framework for Equity Investment Styles (Lawrence S. Speidell and John Graves).
CHAPTER 8. The Style of Investor Expectations (Hersh Shefrin and Meir Statman).
CHAPTER 9. The Effects of Imprecision and Bias on the Abilitiesof Growth and Value Managers to Outperform their Respective Benchmarks (Robert A. Haugen).
CHAPTER 10. Style Return Differentials: Illusions, Risk Premiums, or Investment Opportunities (Richard Roll).
CHAPTER 11. The Persistence of Equity Style Performance:Evidence from Mutual Fund Data (Ronald N. Kahn and Andrew Rudd).
CHAPTER 12. How the Technology Bubble of 1999-2000Disrupted Equity Style Investing (Kari Bayer Pinkernell and Richard Bernstein).
CHAPTER 13. Multistyle Equity Investment Models (Parvez Ahmed, John G. Gallo, Larry J. Lockwood, and Sudhir Nanda).
CHAPTER 14. A Comparison of Fixed versus Flexible Market Capitalization Style Allocations: Don’t Be Boxed in by Size(Marc R Reinganum).
CHAPTER 15. A Plan Sponsor Perspective on Equity Style Management (Keith Cardoza).
CHAPTER 16 An Analysis of U.S. and Non-U.S. Equity Style Index Methodologies (H. David Shea).
CHAPTER 17. Country-Level Equity Style Timing (Clifford Asness, Robert Krail, and John Liew).
CHAPTER 18. Value Investing and the January Effect: Some More International Evidence (Bala Arshanapalli, T. Daniel Coggin, and William Nelson).
CHAPTER 19. Exploring the Mathematical Basis of Returns-Based Style Analysis (Thomas Becker).
CHAPTER 20. Trading (and Investing) in ‘Style’ Using Futures and Exchange-Traded Funds (Joanne M. Hill).
Про автора
T. DANIEL COGGIN, Ph D, is a nationally recognized investment management consultant with over twenty-five years of experience in investment management and consulting. Dr. Coggin is a frequent speaker at investment industry conferences, and has co-edited three books and written numerous articles and book chapters on quantitative investment management. He earned his Ph D in political science from Michigan State University in 1977 with an emphasis on econometrics and quantitative methods.
FRANK J. FABOZZI, Ph D, CFA, is Editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management and an Adjunct Professor of Finance at Yale University’s School of Management. Dr. Fabozzi is on the board of directors of the Guardian Life family of funds and the Black Rock complex of funds. He is an Advisory Analyst for Global Asset Management (GAM) with responsibilities as Consulting Director for portfolio construction, risk control, and evaluation.