Автор: Taco Brandsen

Taco Brandsen is Professor of Comparative Public Administration at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Secretary-General of EAPAA (European Association of Public Administration Accreditation); Coordinator of the project WILCO (2010-2013, ‘Welfare Innovations at the Local Level’, 7th European Framework Programme.) and a member of the LIPSE project (2013-2016, ‘Learning from Innovation in Public Sector Environments’, 7th European Framework Programme). Sandro Cattacin studied economic history, political science and political philosophy at the University of Zurich (1982–1987). With an Italian fellowship he then participated in the Ph D programme in political and social science at the European University Institute in Florence (1987–1990) where he obtained his Ph D in 1992. Adalbert Evers is Professor for Comparative Health and Social Policy at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen (Germany); (Emeritus since October 2013). He holds a doctoral degree in political science from the University of Bremen and did his Habilitation at the University of Frankfurt. Annette Zimmer is Professor of Social Policy and Comparative Politics at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Münster, Germany. She holds a doctoral degree in political science from the University of Heidelberg, and a lecturer degree in political science from the University of Kassel, Germany.

7 Електронні книги від Taco Brandsen

Taco Brandsen & Sandro Cattacin: Social Innovations in the Urban Context
This book addresses the practice of social innovation, which is currently very much in the public eye. New ideas and approaches are needed to tackle the severe and wicked problems with which contempo …
Taco Brandsen & Victor Pestoff: New Public Governance, the Third Sector, and Co-Production
In recent years public management research in a variety of disciplines has paid increasing attention to the role of citizens and the third sector in the provision of public services. Several of these …
Taco Brandsen & Victor Pestoff: New Public Governance, the Third Sector, and Co-Production
In recent years public management research in a variety of disciplines has paid increasing attention to the role of citizens and the third sector in the provision of public services. Several of these …
Taco Brandsen & Victor Pestoff: Co-production
Public management research has in recent years paid increasing attention to the third sector, especially to its role in the provision of public services. Evidence of this is the rising number of publ …
Taco Brandsen & Victor Pestoff: Co-production
Public management research has in recent years paid increasing attention to the third sector, especially to its role in the provision of public services. Evidence of this is the rising number of publ …
Taco Brandsen & Trui Steen: Co-Production and Co-Creation
Co-production and co-creation occur when citizens participate actively in delivering and designing the services they receive. It has come increasingly onto the agenda of policymakers, as interest in …
Taco Brandsen & Trui Steen: Co-Production and Co-Creation
Co-production and co-creation occur when citizens participate actively in delivering and designing the services they receive. It has come increasingly onto the agenda of policymakers, as interest in …