Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo became Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain in 2007. Previously she was a postdoc and visiting scientist in the Department of Physics and Centre of Materials Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (1988 – 2001), working under the supervision of late Prof. Toyoichi Tanaka and then undertook a Ramon y Cajal posdoctoral researcher fellowship at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Her research interests include Intelligent hydrogels for selective and controlled drug delivery, stimuli-sensitive and imprinted polymeric systems for controlled drug release, nanoscopic micellar structures made of poloxamines for solubilizing and stabilizing drugs. She has published 114 papers in scientific journals, 10 book chapters and 7 patents.
Angel Concheiro is a Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (since 1988). He has carried out an intense scientific activity in the area of drug delivery systems and the application of natural and synthetic polymers for the development of advanced drug carriers and drug-eluting medical devices. He has published nearly 200 research publications and contributions in relevant journals and books as well as four patents. He has recently been awarded with the Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress Research Achievement Award 2010 from the International Pharmaceutical Federation and American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.
5 Електронні книги від Teruo Okano
Raphael M. Ottenbrite & Kinam Park: Biomedical Applications of Hydrogels Handbook
Hydrogels are networks of polymer chains which can produce a colloidal gel containing over 99 per cent water. The superabsorbency and permeability of naturally occurring and synthetic hydrogels give …
Alexander Kabanov & Kazunori Kataoka: Polymer Drugs in the Clinical Stage
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics – Recent Progress in Clinics and Future Prospects, held July 13-14, 2001, in Nara, Japan. The technology of polymer science has deve …
Jan Feijen & Sung W. Kim: Advanced Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems
First of all, I would like to share the great pleasure of the successful five-day symposium with every participant in the 5th Iketani Conference which was held in Kagoshima from April1S (Tuesday) to …
Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo & Angel Concheiro: Smart Materials for Drug Delivery
Smart materials, which can change properties when an external stimulus is applied, can be used for the targeted drug delivery of an active molecule to a specific site in the correct dosage. Different …
Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo & Angel Concheiro: Smart Materials for Drug Delivery
Smart materials, which can change properties when an external stimulus is applied, can be used for the targeted drug delivery of an active molecule to a specific site in the correct dosage. Different …