I didn’t have a sister who could have introduced me to girls my own age, but I went to dance school. It was held twice a week in the hall of the town hall, which was also the mayor’s flat. Together with the mayor’s son, my most loyal comrade, there were eight of us dancers, all of whom were secondary students at the Latin School in our home town. Only with regard to the dancers did a seemingly insurmountable difficulty initially arise; the eighth professional lady could not be procured.
Про автора
Hans Theodor Woldsen Storm (* 14 September 1817 in Husum, Duchy of Schleswig; † 4 July 1888 in Hanerau-Hademarschen) was a German writer. His poetry and prose make him one of the most important representatives of poetic realism. Storm is best known for his novellas, but he saw himself first and foremost as a lyricist and regarded poems as the origin of his stories.
Thomas Westphal (* 1980) lives and works as a translator in Rostock, Germany.