Prof. Dr. phil. Thilo Deckersbach: Professor für Psychologie an der Harvard Medical School. Leiter des Bereichs Psychologie im “Bipolar Clinic and Research Program” und Forschungsleiter in der Abteillung Neurotherapie am Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die Entwicklung kognitiv-behavioraler und achtsamkeitsbasierter Behandlungsverfahren bei Bipolaren Störungen. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. phil. Britta Hölzel: Diplom-Psychologin, Yoga-Lehrerin, Lehrerin für Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Ausbildung am Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts). Sie forschte an der Harvard Medical School, der Universität Gießen und der Charité Berlin zu neuronalen Mechanismen der Achtsamkeitsmeditation. Dr. phil. Lori Eisner: Wissenschaftliche Mirtarbeiterin im Bereich Psychologie im “Bipolar Clinic Research Program” des Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. Lehrauftrag an der Harvard Medical School. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die Emotionsregulierung bei Patienten mit Bipolaren Störungen. Dr. phil. Sara W. Lazar: Neurowissenschaftlerin in der Psychiatrischen Abteilung des General Hospital in Boston, USA. Lehrauftrag an der Harvard Medical School. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt sind neuronale Mechanismen bei der Meditation. Dr. med. Andrew A. Nierenberg: Professor für Psychiatrie an der Harvard Medical School. Direktor des “Depression Clinical and Research Program” am Massachusetts General Hospital. Er ist spezialisiert auf die Behandlung von Angst- und affektiven Störungen.
7 Електронні книги від Thilo Deckersbach
Thilo Deckersbach & Britta Hölzel: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
Grounded in current knowledge about bipolar disorder and its treatment, this book presents an empirically supported therapy program with step-by-step guidelines for implementation. Mindfulness-based …
Susanna Chang & Thilo Deckersbach: Managing Tourette Syndrome
If you suffer from Tourette Syndrome (TS), or any other chronic motor or vocal tic disorder, you know how difficult it can be to manage your symptoms. You may be taking medication or working with a m …
Susanna Chang & Thilo Deckersbach: Managing Tourette Syndrome
If you suffer from Tourette Syndrome (TS), or any other chronic motor or vocal tic disorder, you know how difficult it can be to manage your symptoms. You may be taking medication or working with a m …
Susanna Chang & Thilo Deckersbach: Managing Tourette Syndrome
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a chronic, neurobehavioral disorder of childhood that has traditionally been treated with medication. Although available, many mental health professionals are not familiar w …
Thilo Deckersbach & Jan Mohlman: From Symptom to Synapse
This edited volume bridges the gap between basic and applied science in understanding the nature and treatment of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems. Topics such as brain imaging, physi …
Thilo Deckersbach & Jan Mohlman: From Symptom to Synapse
This edited volume bridges the gap between basic and applied science in understanding the nature and treatment of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems. Topics such as brain imaging, physi …
Thilo Deckersbach & Lori Eisner: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
Grounded in current knowledge about bipolar disorder and its treatment, this book presents an empirically supported therapy program with step-by-step guidelines for implementation. Mindfulness-based …