Tony Reinke is a nonprofit journalist and serves as senior teacher and host of the Ask Pastor John podcast for desiring He is the author of Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books; 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You; and God, Technology, and the Christian Life.
8 Електронні книги від Tony Reinke
Tony Reinke: Lit!
I love to read. I hate to read. I don’t have time to read. I only read Christian books. I’m not good at reading. There’s too much to read. Chances are, you’ve thought or said one of these exac …
Tony Reinke: Newton on the Christian Life
John Newton is best known as the slave trader turned hymn writer who penned the most popular English hymn in history: ‘Amazing Grace.’ However, many Christians are less familiar with the decades he s …
Tony Reinke: 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
Do You Control Your Phone—Or Does Your Phone Control You? Within a few years of its unveiling, the smartphone had become part of us, fully integrated into the daily patterns of our lives. Never offli …
Tony Reinke: Competing Spectacles
We live in a world full of shiny distractions, faced with an onslaught of viral media constantly competing for our attention and demanding our affections. These ever-present visual ‘spectacles’ can q …
Tony Reinke: Hechizo digital
Después de pocos años de su lanzamiento, el teléfono inteligente se ha convertido en parte de nosotros, plenamente integrado a los patrones diarios de nuestra vida. Nunca desconectados, siempre dispo …
Tony Reinke: John Newton e a vida cristã
‘Este livro, de um dos mais brilhantes escritores do evangelicalismo contemporâneo, examina as lições de vida de um escritor de hinos, de um lutador pela liberdade, e de um pregador do evangelho. Mes …
Tony Reinke: God, Technology, and the Christian Life
What Does God Think about Technology? From smartphones to self-driving cars to space travel, new technologies can inspire us. But the breakneck pace of change can also frighten us. So how do Christia …
Tony Reinke: Ask Pastor John
John Piper’s Answers to Hundreds of Questions about Ethics, Theology, the Bible, and More Navigating the Christian life in a secular world will inevitably stir questions in the lives of thoughtful be …