In an era, long before humans gained dominion over the world, it was the Age of the Dragon Race. The power of the Dragons has begun to wane and the End of Days draws near. A dark Wizard has risen to power in the Lands of the Khans, hoping to rule the world. With power stolen from the Dragons, Jochi threatens to bring forth an Apocalypse.
In The Eighth Lion, a rogue Dragon named Meeha breaks a time-honored Covenant of the Dragon Race by sharing startling information kept hidden from humans for thousands of years.
Her actions, and those of her decsendents, put Dragons and Humans alike on a collision course with destruction.
Dragons and humans must work together to prevent the
extinction of both races. In doing so, they may just answer a question, which has plagued humans for a millenial.
Do Dragons have souls?
Про автора
TONY THOMPSON has worked in education for twentyseven years and is currently the Coordinator for Individualized Education at Belleville West High School. The author of Dryver’s Fields lives at home with his wife Denise and their three children, Alex, Alyssa, and Tyson.