In this third volume of the Science in Everyday Life series, journalist and Ph D in science Ulisses Capozzoli deals with the question of time, resorting to knowledge in areas such as physics, astronomy, philosophy and history. Capozzoli writes: ‘Time has been a fascinating mystery ever since the earliest man’. In chapters such as ‘The magical time nurtured by the Mayas’, ‘The distinct times of physics and philosophy’, ‘The time of humankind’ and ‘Intriguing possibilities of time travel’, the author investigates the nature and presence of time, that, in spite of ‘not revealing itself’, marks every form of life. This collection is published exclusively as ebook – in English and Portuguese editions.
Про автора
Ulisses Capozzoli is a journalist specialized in science writing, with a master’s degree and doctorate in Science from the University of São Paulo. He was editor of Scientific American Brasil for 12 years and twice presided over the Brazilian Association of Scientific Journalism (ABJC). He is the author of books like Antártida: a última terra (Antarctica: The Ultimate Land – Edusp, 5ª ed. 2012), No reino dos astrônomos cegos: uma história da radioastronomia (In the Realm of Blind Astronomers: A History of Radio Astronomy – Record, 2005) and A terceira margem do rio: as águas do Ribeirão das Antas e as histórias que elas contam (The Third Margin of the River: The Waters of Ribeirão das Antas and the Stories They Tell – Ramalhete, 2016), besides supplementary educational material. In the Science in Everyday Life series, he also published A Ghost Takes You to Dinner: From the Cosmos to GPS (Edições Sesc, 2017) and A Biography of Water: From Its Origin in the Infancy of the Universe (Edições Sesc, 2018).