Nineteen years later . . .
Even as a new generation embraces the Harry Potter novels for the first time, J.K. Rowling’s world is expanding with Fantastic Beasts, Cursed Child and Pottermore. There are new mobile games, new toys and, of course, the theme parks. Meanwhile, Quidditch and the Harry Potter Alliance stretch from college to college, inspiring each generation. Fans have adapted the series into roleplaying games, parodies, musicals, films, dances, art and published fiction like Tommy Taylor or Carry On. They are also scrambling Potter with new franchises: Game of Thrones, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Hamilton. What else is this new generation discovering about loving Potter? Which are the best conventions, the best fanfiction and wizard rock? And, how has Potter aged and what does it still have to teach us? Fan Phenomena: Harry Potter offers Potter fans a taste of the best the fandom has to offer.
Valerie Estelle Frankel
Part 1: Real World
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Bringing the Books to Life
Erin Pyne
Surveying Fanworks: Art, Dance, Fic, Music and Community
Madeline Wilson
Fan Appreciation: A.J. Holmes (composer, Team Star Kid)
Aya Esther Hayashi
Part 2: Virtual World
Polyjuice and Potterheads: The Changing Face of Fandom from Live Journal to Tumblr
Emily E. Roach
The Magic of Video Game Adaptation: The Admirer Becomes the Caster in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone
Fan Appreciation: Justin Zagri (Severus Snape and the Marauders)
Lisa Gomez
The Wizarding World of D&D: The Art of Roleplaying in the Potterverse
Evan Kreider
Part 3: Critical World
Tommy Taylor Reveals Harry’s True Power: Stories and Fans Can Reshape Our World
Joel Hawkes
Fan Appreciation: Matt Maggiacomo (executive director, HP Alliance)
Valerie Estelle Frankel
Buffy, Hamilton and Jon Snow Go to Hogwarts: Literary Affordance and the Hogwarts Houses as Interpretative Framework and Rhetorical Tool
Jessica Hautsch
Harry’s Magical Move to Broadway
Valerie Guempel
Part 4: Fictional World
Fan Appreciation: Ariel Birdoff (author, wrocker, librarian and fan)
Valerie Estelle Frankel
Tuesdays with Malfoy: The Pain of Sharing Fandoms
Katryn Alessandri
Recharming the Fans? The Expanded Works and Why They Don’t Hold Up
Valerie Estelle Frankel
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Valerie Estelle Frankel has written 65 books on popular culture, including Teaching with Harry Potter and Harry Potter, Still Recruiting.