Bioceramics in Endodontics
Practical reference book in the emerging field of endodontics, focusing on overall makeup of dental bioceramics and relevant clinical situations in endodontics where various forms of bioceramics has been used to treat teeth successfully.
Bioceramics in Endodontics is a highly unique resource that blends together detailed information on the physico-chemical and biological properties of bioceramics with their clinical application in endodontics, exploring history and chemistry, mechanical properties, advantages of bioceramics over other materials, and clinical cases with high definition pictures and videos demonstrating their usage across wide variety of clinical situations in endodontics.
Written by highly qualified authors with significant experience in the field, Bioceramics in Endodontics includes information on:
* Material characteristics of bioceramics that Endodontists/Clinicians should be aware of
* Evidence based decisions between coneless and coned obturations, and healing of periapical lesions over a recall period of 3-5 years
* Endodontic treatment of patients using bioceramic sealers
* Endodontic mishaps treated with bioceramic repair material
* Evidence based approach for apexification using bioceramics
* Use of bioceramics as a root end filling material and guidelines guidelines to finding new applications for bioceramics
* Comparison of Bioceramics with gold standard endodontic materials
A highly unique exploration into the subject, Bioceramics in Endodontics provides an essential core overview of the field of bioceramics in endodontics and related applications, making it a must-have resource for dental practitioners, along with undergraduate and postgraduate students in endodontics and other related programs of study.
Section I: Bioceramic Materials
1. Introduction: Brief introduction and history about bioceramics
Dr. Sanjay Miglani, Dr. Swadheena Patro, Dr. Viresh Chopra
2. Bioceramics – As a dental material
The need for bioceramics and different types of bioceramic material present in dentistry; Review and details about various Bioceramic material present with comparison of one to the other.
Dr. Gurdeep Singh and Dr. Viresh Chopra
3. Physico-chemical and mechanical properties
Detail about each and every property of Bioceramics and their comparison with gold standard material present in Endodontics. Evidence based detail of the various properties of Bioceramics and its comparison with existing gold standard materials in the same category.
Dr. Sachin Gupta, Dr.Vineeta Nikhil, Dr. Shikha Jaiswal, Dr. Padmanabh Jha
Section II: Clinical Use of Bioceramic Materials
4. Clinical applications of Bioceramics
Detailed stepwise explanation with support from Clinical cases and role of Bioceramics in every situation. Every clinical application to be supported with table top pictures and videos
Dr. Viresh Chopra, Dr. Antonis Chanoitis
5. Bioceramics as root canal sealers
Stepwise guide on root canal treatment of patients using Bioceramic sealers. Clinical cases with microscopic pictures and videos.
Dr. Viresh Chopra, Dr. Gergely Beyones, Dr. Antonis Chanoitis
6. Bioceramics as Obturation material
Coneless obturations – advisable or no discussion forum. Evidence based decision between coneless and coned obturations
Dr. Gopi Krishna, Dr. Viresh Chopra, Dr. Zaher Al Taqi, Dr. Marc Koulistan, Dr. Marc Habib, Dr. Riccardo Tonini.
7. Bioceramics as perforation repair material
Endodontic mishaps treated with Bioceramic perforation repair material. Clinical cases with microscopic pictures and videos.
Dr. Viresh Chopra, Dr. Marc Koulistan, Dr. Marc Habib, Dr. Waleed Kurdi,
8. Retreatment using Bioceramic materials
Retreatment of failed root canal cases using Bioceramic root canal sealers for Clinical cases with microscopic pictures and videos
Viresh chopra, TBD
9. Treatment of wide-open Apex using apexification with Bioceramics
Closure of wide-open apex in various clinical cases with Bioceramics, Clinical cases with microscopic pictures and videos
Viresh chopra, TBD
10. Bioceramic endodontic materials and periapical lesions
Evidence based endodontics showing healing of periapical lesions over a recall period of 3-5 years with support from clinical cases. Evidence based articles with Clinical cases with microscopic pictures and videos.
Viresh chopra, TBD
11. Bioceramics as root end filling materials. Illustrating the use of bioceramics a root end filling material with support from literature as well as clinical cases. Evidence based literature and Clinical cases. Dr. Bekir Karabucak, TBD
Про автора
Viresh Chopra, BDS, MDS, MFDS(RCSEng.), Fellow(PFA), Diplomate(IBE), Course Lead, Endodontology, Assistant Professor, Adult Restorative Dentistry, Oman Dental College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Ph D researcher, Bart’s and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University, London, UK.