This collection of essays dissects American plays, movies and other performance types that examine America and its history and culture. From Amerindian stage performances to AIDS and post-9/11 America, it displays the various and important ways theatre and performance studies have examined and conversed with American culture and history.
The Savage Other: ‘Indianizing’ and Performance in Nineteenth-Century American Culture; R.K. Bank Defining Faith: Theatrical Reactions to Pro-Slavery Christianity in Antebellum America; A.E. Hughes Negotiating a New Identity: Irish-Americans and the Variety Theatre in the 1860s; S. Kattwinkel Drama and Cultural Pluralism In The America of Susan Glaspell’s Inheritors.; N.H.Real Beneath the Horizon: Pipe Dreams, Identity, and Capital in Eugene O’Neill’s First Broadway Play; J.E.Jenkins Vernacularizing Brecht: The Political Theater of the New Deal; I.Saal Let Freedom Ring: Mordecai Gorelik’s Politicized Stage Designs; A.Fletcher Choreographing America: Re-defining American Ballet in the Age of Consensus; A.Harris Arthur Miller: In Memoriam; C.Bigsby Menageries, Melting Pots, Movies: Tennessee on America; J.V. Haedicke Facts on Trial: Documentary Theatre and Zoot Suit; J.O’Connor ‘The Ground on Which I Stand is I, Too, Am America’: African American Cycle Dramatists, Dramas and the Voice of Inclusion; L.Menson-Furr My Uncle Sam in Consumer Society: Len Jenkin and the Death of Death of a Salesman; S.Feffer From Paradise to Parasite: Information Theory, Noise, and Disequilibrium in John Guare’s Six Degrees of Separation; M.Heuvel ‘Not Very Steven Spielberg’?: Angels in America on Film; D.Geis Reflections in a Pool: Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses and post-9/11 New York City; A.Nouryeh An American Echo: Suzan-Lori Parks’s The America Play and James Scruggs’s Disposable Men; R.Vorlicky List of Contributors Index
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WILLIAM W. DEMASTES is Professor of English at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA. IRIS SMITH FISCHER is Associate Professor of English at the University of Kansas, USA.