This Guide is concerned with the practice of qualitative analysis and contains invaluable advice for laboratories undertaking such work. It is designed to assist laboratories in establishing and maintaining a working regime that will minimise the risk of error and maximise the quality of the analytical information they produce. It is aimed primarily at laboratory managers and those responsible for any part of the analysis process from designing qualitative tests or deciding which tests to apply in particular cases to those performing the requisite experimental work. Qualitative Analysis has been developed using the knowledge and experience of an advisory panel drawn from a representative cross-section of practising analytical scientists. It was produced as part of the VAM Programme, and will be a useful guide for laboratory staff, government agencies, researchers and professionals in industry and academia alike.
The VAM Principles; Scope; Health and Safety; Establishing the Requirements; The Sample; The Analytical Process; Quality Assurance; Interpretation of Results; Analysis Report; Field Testing; Further Information; Appendices