William Waelchli Jr has been writing for nearly 30 years and is excited to become an independently published author. In addition to being an author. William is also a prolific psychedelic artist (among other pursuits) whose work can be viewed on Social Media using the hashtag @Post20th Century.
2 Електронні книги від William L. Waelchli Jr
William L Waelchli Jr: Cosmic Apocalyptic Phenomena:
Welcome to a future Earth, where forty short stories/chapters have extreme consequences on both Mother Earth and Father Universe. The short stories show how our precious existence can end at any obli …
William L Waelchli: Universal Hypnosis:
The entire Human race is in turmoil, and Humanity has become overcome by fears of a universal tommy gun shooting countless cosmic bullets with the intent of ‘abolishing’ Humanity, or is it the ‘alien …