Автор: Wolfgang Tschacher

Wolfgang Tschacher: received his Ph D in psychology at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Psychotherapy training in systemic therapy. Habilitation in psychology and Venia legendi at University of Bern, Switzerland, professorship in 2002. He is based at the University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Bern, where he founded the department of psychotherapy research, and currently is head of the Experimental Psychology group. His main interests are in quantitative psychotherapy research, time-series methods and experimental psychopathology, with an emphasis on dynamical systems, embodied cognition, and phenomena of cognitive self-organization. He acted as president of the European chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), and is member of the directorate of the Society for Mind-Matter Research. He has been the organizer of the “Herbstakademie” conference series on systems theory in psychology. Dr. Tschacher has published about 200 scientific publications, 16 monographs, and edited volumes on psychology, psychiatry and cognitive science (WT is still proud to have been, in 1992, the main editor of “Self-Organization and Clinical Psychology” in the Springer synergetics series.) Hermann Haken: studied mathematics and physics in Halle and Erlangen, Germany, where he completed his dissertation in mathematics. Habilitation at the University of Stuttgart, where he became a professor of theoretical physics and director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Synergetics. His fields of work comprise laser physics and nonlinear optics, solid state physics, statistical physics, group theory, and bifurcation theory. He is the founder of the interdisciplinary field of synergetics, which elaborates on self-organization as an emergent quality of complex dynamical systems throughout the sciences. About 600 scientific publications, 26 textbooks and monographs on physics, synergetics and complexity science, psychology, and neuroscience. His work has been translated into Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and further languages. He received multiple awards as well as honorary doctorates from universities in Germany, Spain, China, and the USA.

14 Електронні книги від Wolfgang Tschacher

Wolfgang Tschacher & Hermann Haken: The Process of Psychotherapy
This book describes an encompassing modeling approach to psychotherapy, created with the most recent research in the field. Therapeutic interventions are staged within a therapist-client relationship …
Maja Storch & Wolfgang Tschacher: Embodied Communication
Die Idee, man könne einander verstehen, beruht auf der Vorstellung, die besagt, dass die «richtige» Bedeutung einer Botschaft irgendwo vorhanden ist und nur gefunden werden muss. Diese Ansicht ist fa …
Maja Storch & Wolfgang Tschacher: Embodied Communication
Die Idee, man könne einander verstehen, beruht auf der Vorstellung, die besagt, dass die «richtige» Bedeutung einer Botschaft irgendwo vorhanden ist und nur gefunden werden muss. Diese Ansicht ist fa …
Helmut Bonney: Neurobiologie für den therapeutischen Alltag
Gerald Hüther is well known for coming down from the ivory tower to take part in broader discussions concerning such topics as ADHD. He is willing to move on interdisciplinary levels and, if need be, …
Matthias Ochs & Jochen Schweitzer: Handbuch Forschung für Systemiker
How to combine empirical evidence and systemic theory? What does systemic research have to show for its efforts? Renowned systemic proponents present in this volume the state of the art.Systemic appr …
Wolfgang Tschacher & Jean-pierre Dauwalder: DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS APPROACH TO COG..(V10)
The shared platform of the articles collected in this volume is used to advocate a dynamical systems approach to cognition. It is argued that recent developments in cognitive science towards an accou …
Wolfgang Tschacher: Implications of Embodiment
This edited volume is scientifically based, but readable for a larger audience, covering the concept of "embodied cognition" and its implications from a transdisciplinary angle. The contrib …
Ewald J. Brunner & Gunter Schiepek: Self-Organization and Clinical Psychology
Self-organization and clinical psychology signals the adventof a new paradigm in psychology. Physicists, neuroscientistsand individual and grouptherapists have joined forces toelucidate the new and e …
Jean-pierre Dauwalder & Wolfgang Tschacher: DYNAMICS, SYNERGETICS, AUTONOMOUS…(V8)
This volume focuses on the modeling of cognition, and brings together contributions from psychologists and researchers in the field of cognitive science. The shared platform of this work is to advoca …
Helmut Bonney: Neurobiologie für den therapeutischen Alltag
Gerald Hüther is well known for coming down from the ivory tower to take part in broader discussions concerning such topics as ADHD. He is willing to move on interdisciplinary levels and, if need be, …
Ingrid Erhardt: Resonanzprozesse zwischen Werk und Biografie
Resonanzprozesse entstehen sowohl im Konzertsaal, zwischen Musiker*innen und Publikum, als auch in der psychotherapeutischen Beziehung. Doch wie lassen sich diese Schwingungen, gleichzeitig allgegenw …
Wolfgang Tschacher & Maja Storch: Embodiment
Warum fällt es vielen Menschen so schwer, achtsam mit dem eigenen Körper umzugehen? Warum ist das Befassen mit dem eigenen Körper oft mit Peinlichkeit besetzt? Warum gilt nur als intelligent, wer Wür …
Wolfgang Tschacher & Maja Storch: Embodiment
Warum fällt es vielen Menschen so schwer, achtsam mit dem eigenen Körper umzugehen? Warum ist das Befassen mit dem eigenen Körper oft mit Peinlichkeit besetzt? Warum gilt nur als intelligent, wer Wür …