Автор: Xue Lan Rong

Judith Preissle, a professor at the University of Georgia, is a teacher educator and an educational anthropologist who brings a dual insider-outsider perspective to issues of education and immigration. She is a native-born citizen of the United States whose forebears arrived on the continent in the 18th and 19th centuries. She is also one of the many internal migrants of the 20th century, who grew up moving around the country and attending schools in six different states. Beginning her educational experience teaching social studies and language arts to 12-year-olds, she has worked at the University of Georgia since 1975, teaching the social foundations of education, qualitative research methods, and educational anthropology to an increasingly diverse population of graduates and undergraduates. She has published widely in these areas with special concentration on research design and ethics and on gender and minority education. She is a graduate of Indiana University.

8 Електронні книги від Xue Lan Rong

Xue Lan Rong & Judith Preissle: Educating Immigrant Students in the 21st Century
‘A comprehensive and important examination of the education of immigrant students in the U.S. Rong and Preissle′s focus on cultural and linguistic transformation across four generations is truly uniq …
Xue Lan Rong & Jeremy Hilburn: Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, the Film Director as Critical Thinker
‘Fourth-wave immigration, with its vast economic, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious diversities, have brought new dynamics into the existing social and demographic structures and added both …
Judith Preissle & Xue Lan Rong: Educating Immigrant Students in the 21st Century
"A comprehensive and important examination of the education of immigrant students in the U.S. Rong and Preissle’s focus on cultural and linguistic transformation across four generations is truly …
Russell Endo & Clara C Park: New Perspectives on Asian American Parents, Students and Teacher Recruitment
(Sponsored by SIG-Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans of the American Educational Research Association and National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education)This rese …
Russell Endo & Stacey J Lee: Asian American Education
This research anthology is the fourth volume in a series sponsored by the Special Interest Group Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans (SIG-REAPA) of the American Educational Resea …
Russell Endo & Xue Lan Rong: Asian American Education
Asian American Education–Asian American Identities, Racial Issues, and Languages presents groundbreaking research that critically challenges the invisibility, stereotyping, and common misunderstandi …
Russell Endo & Xue Lan Rong: Educating Asian Americans
The achievement, schooling, and the ethnic identities of Asian American students are among the core areas in the field of Asian American education, yet there is much that remains to be uncovered, ver …