This conference proceedings is a collection of the accepted papers of ISCC2024 – the 8th International Conference on Information Science, Communication and Computing, held in Zhengzhou, China, 23-25 August 2024. The topics focus on intelligent information science and technology, artificial intelligence and intelligent systems, cloud computing and big data, smart computing and communication technology, wireless network and cyber security. Each part can be used as an excellent reference by industry practitioners, university faculties, research fellows and undergraduate and graduate students who need to build a knowledge base of the latest advances and state of the practice in the topics covered by these conference proceedings. This will enable them to build, maintain and manage systems of high reliability and complexity. We would like to thank the authors for their hard work and dedication, and the reviewers for ensuring that only the highest quality papers were selected.
Blockchain-Based Verifiable Multi-Keyword Ciphertext Retrieval Scheme.- A Secure and Efficient Signcryption Scheme Applying in Io T Scenarios.- A Distraction Mining Network for Polyp Segmentation.- ORLQ: A Link Quality-Based Routing Protocol for UWSN.- A method for lightweight DDo S attack detection based on Light GBM.