Автор: Yousef al-Mohaimeed

Yousef al-Mohaimeed was born in Riyadh in 1964. He has published several novels and short story collections, and has studied English and photography at Norwich University in the England. He is the author of Wolves of the Crescent Moon (AUC Press, 2007). Anthony Calderbank has translated several works of modern Arabic fiction, including Haggag Hassan Oddoul”s Nights of Musk (AUC Press, 2005) and Yousef al-Mohaimeed”s Wolves of the Crescent Moon (AUC Press, 2007). He lives and works in Saudi Arabia.

3 Електронні книги від Yousef al-Mohaimeed

Yousef al-Mohaimeed: Munira’s Bottle
In Riyadh, against the events of the second Gulf War and Saddams invasion of Kuwait, we learn the story of Munirawith the gorgeous eyesand the unspeakable tragedy she suffers as her male nemesis wrea …
Gamal Al-Ghitani & Yousef Al-Mohaimeed: Madinah
Madinah – the Arabic word for city – may conjure labyrinthine streets and the hustle and bustle of the souq in Westerners minds, but for the inhabitants of the Middle East it is a much more mercurial …
Yousef Al-mohaimeed: Wolves of the Crescent Moon