A step-by-step guide to parallelizing cem codes
The future of computational electromagnetics is changing drastically as the new generation of computer chips evolves from single-core to multi-core. The burden now falls on software programmers to revamp existing codes and add new functionality to enable computational codes to run efficiently on this new generation of multi-core CPUs. In this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know to deal with multi-core advances in chip design by employing highly efficient parallel electromagnetic code. Focusing only on the Method of Moments (Mo M), the book covers:
* In-Core and Out-of-Core LU Factorization for Solving a Matrix Equation
* A Parallel Mo M Code Using RWG Basis Functions and Sca LAPACK-Based In-Core and Out-of-Core Solvers
* A Parallel Mo M Code Using Higher-Order Basis Functions and Sca LAPACK-Based In-Core and Out-of-Core Solvers
* Turning the Performance of a Parallel Integral Equation Solver
* Refinement of the Solution Using the Conjugate Gradient Method
* A Parallel Mo M Code Using Higher-Order Basis Functions and Plapack-Based In-Core and Out-of-Core Solvers
* Applications of the Parallel Frequency Domain Integral Equation Solver
Appendices are provided with detailed information on the various computer platforms used for computation; a demo shows you how to compile Sca LAPACK and PLAPACK on the Windows® operating system; and a demo parallel source code is available to solve the 2D electromagnetic scattering problems.
Parallel Solution of Integral Equation-Based EM Problems in the Frequency Domain is indispensable reading for computational code designers, computational electromagnetics researchers, graduate students, and anyone working with CEM software.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 In-Core and Out-of-Core LU Factorization for Solving a Matrix Equation 27
Chapter 3 A Parallel Mo M Code Using RWG Basis Functions and Sca LAPACK-Based In-Core and Out-of-Core Solvers 71
Chapter 4 A Parallel Mo M Code Using Higher-Order Basis Functions and Sca LAPACK-Based In-Core and Out-of-Core Solvers 107
Chapter 5 Tuning the Performance of a Parallel Integral Equation Solver 157
Chapter 6 Refinement of the Solution Using the Iterative Conjugate Gradient Method 207
Chapter 7 A Parallel Mo M Code Using Higher Order Basis Functions and PLAPACK Based In-Core and Out-of-Core Solvers 219
Chapter 8 Applications of the Parallel Frequency-Domain Integral Equation Solver—TIDES 233
Appendix A: A Summary of the Computer Platforms Used in This Book 275
Appendix B: An Efficient Cross-Platform Compilation of the Sca LAPACK and PLAPACK Routines 287
Про автора
Yu Zhang is an Associate Professor at Xidian University and
currently works at Syracuse University. He authored the book
Parallel Computation in Electromagnetics as well as over
seventy journal papers and thirty conference papers. His research
is focused on computational electromagnetics with an interest in
antenna design, EMC simulation, and signal processing.
Tapan K. Sarkar is a Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Syracuse University. His
current research interests deal with numerical solutions of
operator equations arising in electromagnetics and signal
processing with applications in system design. He has authored or
coauthored more than 300 journal articles, numerous conference
papers, and thirty-two book chapters. He is the author of fifteen
books, including Smart Antennas, History of Wireless, and
Physics of Multiantenna Systems and Broadband Processing
(all published by Wiley).