Many planning systems are currently locked into growth-dependence, encouraging market-led development which can widen social inequalities and produce adverse environmental outcomes.
This accessible book introduces students to the debates around growth and planning and sets out the solutions to promote genuinely sustainable communities. It includes:
• a positive proposal for reform of the planning system;
• focused discussions from the UK and Europe providing lessons for future planning;
• analysis of the challenges of implementing reform.
Covering chapters on cooperatives, community land trusts, local economic development and community assets and infrastructure, as well as commoning, it provides a roadmap for planning system reform with social justice and sustainability at its heart.
1. Planning and the Pro-growth Agenda
2. Alternative Perspectives on Planning and Growth
3. A Post-growth Framework for Exploring Planning Without Growth
4. Economic Development and Small Local Firms
5. Economic Democracy and Cooperatives
6. Housing Development and Community Land Trusts
7. Community Assets and Social Enterprise
8. Community-Based Infrastructure
9. Urban Commoning
10. Planning without Growth as Rebalancing a Diverse Economy
Про автора
Yvonne Rydin is Professor of Planning, Environment and Public Policy in the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, with over thirty years of experience in researching and teaching in planning. She specialises in governance for urban sustainability looking both at topics such as urban energy, air quality and green spaces, and also processes such as the regulation of urban development, strategy preparation and the production of indicators.