Автор: Zbigniew Nahorski

SCOTT L. BAIER The John E. Walker Department of Economics, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA GERHARD GLOMM Economics Department, Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana, USA THORVALDUR GYLFASON Department of Economics, University of Iceland, Iceland LEONARD HURWICZ College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, USA MIKHAIL MIKHALEVICH Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade, Kiev, Ukraine JEAN-LUC SCHNEIDER Ministère de l”Économie et des Finances, Paris, France PHILIPP J.H. SCHRÖDER Aarhus School of Business, Denmark MILAN ZELENY Fordham University, New York, USA

4 Електронні книги від Zbigniew Nahorski

Zbigniew Nahorski & J. Owsinski: The Socio-Economic Transformation
Transition economies offer a test case for concepts and theories, for broader ideas and for the methods of scientific enquiry, but also for the multiplicity of ideological interpretations. This volum …
Daniel Lieberman & Matthias Jonas: Accounting for Climate Change
Uncertainty analysis is a key component of national GHG inventory analyses. The issues that are raised by the authors in this volume – and the role that uncertainty analysis plays in many of their ar …
Jean P. Ometto & Rostyslav Bun: Uncertainties in Greenhouse Gas Inventories
This book is based on the 2014 Special Issue 124(3) of Climatic Change. It brings together 16 key papers presented at, or produced, subsequent to the 2010 (3rd) International Workshop on Uncertainty …
Thomas White & Matthias Jonas: Greenhouse Gas Inventories
The assessment of greenhouse gases emitted to and removed from the atmosphere is high on the international political and scientific agendas. Growing international concern and cooperation regarding th …