Автор: Zhili Feng

Dr. Shanben Chen (SB Chen) received his BS degree in industrial automation from Dalian Railway Institute (Dalian Jiao Tong University) in 1982, and received his MS and Ph D in control theory and application from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 1987 and 1991, respectively. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production of China in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) from 1993 to 1995, and as a professor from 1995 to 2000.  From 2000 to present, he has served as the Special Professor, Cheung Kong Scholar Program of the Ministry of Education of China & Li Ka Shing Foundation, Hong Kong, and engaged at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, where he is also director of the Intelligentized Robotic Welding Technology Laboratory. Prof. Chen has also been a visiting professor at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) in connection with the ARC Linkage collaboration since 2009.  Currently, Prof. Chen is a senior member ofthe IEEE; a member of the American Welding Society; Chair of the Robotics & Automation Committee of the Chinese Welding Society (CWS); Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Welding Society; and a standing member of the Board of Directors, CWS. Yu Ming Zhang – FAWS, FASME, FSME, SIEEE, Professor and James Boyd Professor in Electrical Engineering – has been with the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA since 1991, and became a Full Professor in 2005. He received his BS and MS degrees in control theory and application from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China, where he completed his Ph D degree in welding in 1990. He has published 180 peer-reviewed journal papers and holds 8 US patents.  Dr. Zhili Feng leads the Materials Joining Team, and is a Distinguished R&D Staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he manages 10 scientists and supporting staff, conducting both fundamental and applied R&D and pursuing technological innovations for diverse interdisciplinary subjects related to materials joining and materials manufacturing processes, with an annual R&D budget of $15 million. 

18 Електронні книги від Zhili Feng

Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academia and industry with up-to-date coverage of recent advances in the fields of robotic welding, intelligent system …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Zongyao Chen & Zhili Feng: Key Technologies of Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing
This book describes the application of vision-sensing technologies in welding processes, one of the key technologies in intelligent welding manufacturing. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is one of th …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and …
Shanben Chen & Yuming Zhang: Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing
The primary aim of this book is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and a …
Hang Z. Yu & Nihan Tuncer: Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing
Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing Timely summary of state-of-the-art solid-state metal 3D printing technologies, focusing on fundamental processing science and industrial applications Solid-St …
Hang Z. Yu & Nihan Tuncer: Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing
Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing Timely summary of state-of-the-art solid-state metal 3D printing technologies, focusing on fundamental processing science and industrial applications Solid-St …