Автор: Zhiqun Zhao

Dr. Zhiqun Zhao is Professor for Vocational Education at the Beijing Normal University since 2006. Between 1991 and 2006 he was scientific staff and Division director at the Central Institute for Vocational and Technical Education of the Chinese Ministry of Education. Zhiqun Zhaor’s domains of expertise covers vocational didactic, vocational discipline, qualification research and curriculum design in TVET, TVET teacher education and training. He is member of the Council of the Chinese Society of Vocational and Technical Education, member of the Academy Committee of the Chinese Society of Vocational and Technical Education, Chairman of the Association of Teaching-Learning-Process Research, Chinese Society of Vocational and Technical Education, member of Expert Group of the Chinese Ministry of Human Resource Social Security (Mo HRSS), member of the board of the International network of Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) and board member of the Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (AASVET). Dr. Felix Rauner is Professor for Vocational Education and Electrical Engineering at the University of Bremen, Germany, since 1978 and founder of the research Institute Technology and Education, Germany’s largest independent research institute in the field of TVET. Between 1971 and 1978 he was member of the scientific staff and project director at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (BIBB). Felix Rauner’s domains of expertise covers vocational qualifications research, analysis and development of vocational training systems, human resource development and comparative perspectives on industrial cultures. He is member of several expert committees for the German government and at European level. Beside his current position as the Director of the International research network on Culture and Production (CAPIRN) he holds Honour Dr. at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, visiting professor at the Institute of Education in London, the University of California and the Tongji-University, Shanghai. He is Chairman of UNIP (United TVET Network on Innovation and Professional Development), was Director of INAP (International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship Research) between 2006 and 2010.

2 Електронні книги від Zhiqun Zhao

Zhiqun Zhao & Felix Rauner: Areas of Vocational Education Research
This book provides an overview of some fundamental topics of international Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), e.g. genesis of TVET research, fields of TVET research, curricu …
Felix Rauner: Methodenhandbuch
Das COMET-Verfahren hat sich innerhalb weniger Jahre national und international als Standard für die Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung etabliert. Das Handbuch stellt erprobte Methoden au …