Author: Ulrike Brisson

Bernard Schweizer is associate professor of English literature at Long Island University. He has published two monographs, Radicals on the Road: The Politics of English Travel Writing in the 1930s and Rebecca West: Heroism, Rebellion, and the Female Epic, and he has edited several books, including Rebecca West”s Survivors in Mexico. Ulrike Brisson teaches German language and literature at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Her publications include several articles about women”s travel writing and the translation of Blanche Willis Howard”s travel narrative One Year Abroad (1877) as Ein Jahr unterwegs: eine Amerikanerin bereist die Alte Welt (2008).

1 Ebooks by Ulrike Brisson

Ulrike Brisson & Bernard Schweizer: Not So Innocent Abroad
With its specific focus on the connections between politics, travel, and travel writing, Not So Innocent Abroad offers a fresh approach to the study of travel literature. The authors make clear that …