All main entries are in capitals therefore, when you do your word search use capital
letters to avoid going to a section not relevant to what you are looking for.
To do a search in the main text, and because the entries are in capitals, abbreviations
eg. A & W are written as A and W with the correct abbreviation in parenthes (A &
W): alive and well.
If you are looking for example for TIME, it is easier to search for the T- section
first, then search for TIME, or you will get heading words that end with TIME (as
Cross references have been included in this book to help narrow down your search
but always start with your main word. Due to the amount of information to be
found on the internet today the writer hopes that the amount of information
gathered in this book will be helpful.
About the author
Born Ursula Lissi Sass, in Flensburg Germany, on October 8, 1946. Ursula
immigrated to Australia in 1955 with her parents, younger sister and brother.
Until the move to Queensland in December 1982, she grew up in Warners Bay,
a Newcastle suburb in New South Wales on the shores of Lake Macquarie. She
attended both Boolaroo and Speers Point Primary Schools, and later Booragul High
Since age seventeen, Ursula has been a nurse and has recently retired. She has two
children, and one grand-daughter. She lives with her husband Robert, their two
dogs and cat in a bayside suburb of Brisbane.
Ursula spends all of her spare time and energy on her biggest interest – her
manuscript. She also enjoys tennis, squash, ten pin bowling, craft work and has a
strong interest in metaphysical subjects.
Her work was first published in 1987 by Herron with the Australian Crossword
Dictionary, followed with the Complete Crossword Dictionary in 1990 by Herron
(now Gap).
This Crossword Encyclopedia is her final effort over a 25-year period to help not
just crossword fans, but also students as it covers a variety of topics.