The field of Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE) has experienced rapid development and inspired many applications in the world of information technology during the last decade. The KSE conference aims at providing an open international forum for presentation, discussion and exchange of the latest advances and challenges in research of the field.
These proceedings contain papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2013), which was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, during 17–19 October, 2013. Besides the main track of contributed papers, which are compiled into the first volume, the conference also featured several special sessions focusing on specific topics of interest as well as included one workshop, of which the papers form the second volume of these proceedings. The book gathers a total of 68 papers describing recent advances and development on various topics including knowledge discovery and data mining, natural language processing, expert systems, intelligent decision making, computational biology, computational modeling, optimization algorithms, and industrial applications.
Table of Content
Preface.- Organization.- Part I Keynote addresses.- What Ontological Engineering Can Do for Solving Real-World Problems.- Argumentation for Practical Reasoning.- Legal Engineering and its Natural Language Processing.- Part II KSE 2103 Main Track.- A Hierarchical Approach for High-Quality and Fast Image Completion.- The un-normalized graph p-Laplacian based semi-supervised learning method and protein function prediction problem.- On Horn Knowledge Bases in Regular Description Logic with Inverse.- On the Semantics of Defeasible Reasoning for Description Logic Ontologies.- Sudoc AD: A Knowledge-Based System for the Author Linkage Problem.- Word Confidence Estimation and its Integration in Sentence Quality Estimation for Machine Translation.- An improvement of prosodic characteristics in Vietnamese Text to Speech System.- Text-Independent Phone Segmentation Method Using Gaussian Function.- New Composition of Intuitionist Fuzzy Relations.- Using Unicode in encoding the Vietnamese ethnic minority languages, applying for the Ede language.- Improving Moore’s Sentence Alignment Method Using Bilingual Word Clustering.- Frequent Temporal Inter-object Pattern Mining in Time Series i SPLOM: Interactive with Scatter plot Matrix for Exploring Multidimensional Data.- An online monitoring solution for complex distributed systems based on hierarchical monitoring agents.- Incomplete Encryption Based on Multi-channel AES Algorithm to Digital Rights Management.- Enhance matching web service security policies with semantic.- An Efficient Method for Discovering Motifs in Streaming Time Series Data.- On Discriminate Orientation Extraction Using Grid LDA of Line Orientation Maps for Palm print Identification.- Localization and Velocity Estimation on Bus with Cell-ID.- A New Improved Term Weighting Scheme for Text Categorization.- Gender Prediction Using Browsing History.- News Aggregating System Supporting Semantic Processing Based on Ontology.- Inference of autism-related genes byintegrating protein-protein interactions and mi RNA-target interactions.- Modeling and verifying imprecise requirements of systems using Event-B Resolution in Linguistic Propositional Logic based on Linear Symmetrical Hedge Algebra.- A Sub gradient Method to Improve Approximation Ratio in the Minimum Latency Problem.- Particulate Matter concentration Estimation from satellite aerosol and meteorological parameters: Data-driven approaches.- A Spatio-Temporal Profiling Model for Person Identification.- Secure Authentication For Mobile Devices Based On Acoustic Background Fingerprint.- Pomelo’s Quality Classification based on Combination of Color Information and Gabor Filter.- Local Descriptors without Orientation Normalization to Enhance Landmark Recognition.- Finding round-off error using symbolic execution.