Author: Veronica Zysk

Veronica Zysk has been working in the field of autism since 1991. She served as Executive Director of the Autism Society of America from 1991-1996, and then joined Future Horizons. She was the visionary for the first national magazine on autism spectrum disorders, the Autism Asperger”s Digest, winner of multiple Gold awards for excellence. In addition to her writing collaborations with Ellen Notbohm (1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger”s; Ten Things Every Student with Autism Wishes You Knew), she has co-authored and/or edited 14 other books on autism and Asperger’s, working with noted authors such as Temple Grandin, James Ball, and Michelle Garcia Winner. Veronica makes her home in the beautiful western mountains of North Carolina.

6 Ebooks by Veronica Zysk

Veronica Zysk & Ellen Notbohm: 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism
‘Anyone browsing autism books might question that two authors could amass this many ideas and that all of them would be ‘great, ’ but this book delivers.” — from the Foreword by Dr. Temple Grandin …
Temple Grandin & Sean Barron: Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships
Born with autism, both Temple Grandin and Sean Barron now live famously successful social lives. However, their paths were quite different. Temple’s logical mind controlled her social behavior. She …
Veronica Zysk: Manners Matter!
For decades Temple Grandin has been a voice and a positive force in the ASD community. Through her books and speaking engagements she has inspired and enlightened teachers, therapists, professionals, …
Ellen Notbohm: Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew
Winner of the IPBA Gold Medal for Nonfiction Series (with Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew) and Winner of the Grand Prize for Instruction and Insight and First Place in Psychology, …
Ellen Notbohm & Veronica Zysk: 1001 Ideen für den Alltag mit autistischen Kindern und Jugendlichen
Über 1001 innovative wie auch bewährte Tipps unterstützen Eltern, Lehrkräfte und Erzieher Innen im Alltag mit autistischen Kindern und Jugendlichen. Praktisch, alltagsnah und auf die …
Ellen Notbohm & Veronica Zysk: 1001 Ideen für den Alltag mit autistischen Kindern und Jugendlichen
Über 1001 innovative wie auch bewährte Tipps unterstützen Eltern, Lehrkräfte und Erzieher Innen im Alltag mit autistischen Kindern und Jugendlichen. Praktisch, alltagsnah und auf die …