The revised and updated Third Edition of Bovine Surgery and Lameness offers veterinarians a concise text ideal for use in the field.
- Offers a fully revised edition of the popular and well-respected book on bovine surgery and lameness
- Presents a practical quick-reference guide ideal for the field veterinarian
- Covers both common surgical procedures and the latest information on combating lameness
- Written by an expert team of international authors
- Includes access to a companion website offering video clips
Mục lục
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
About the Companion Website xi
1 General considerations and anaesthesia 1
2 Fluid and supportive therapy 53
3 Diagnostic techniques and procedures 73
4 Head and neck surgery 90
5 Abdominal surgery 118
6 Female urinogenital surgery 187
7 Teat surgery 211
8 Male urinogenital surgery 226
9 Musculoskeletal conditions and lameness 267
Appendix 351
1 Further Reading 351
2 Abbreviations 352
3 Conversion factors for old and SI units 354
Index 355
Giới thiệu về tác giả
The authors
A. David Weaver, BSc, Dr med vet, Ph D, FRCVS, Dr hc (Warsaw), is Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri’s College of Veterinary Medicine in Columbia, Missouri, USA and formerly of the University of Glasgow, UK.
Owen Atkinson, BVSc, Cert CHP, DCHP, RCVS Recognised Specialist, is Owner, Founder, and Director of Dairy Veterinary Consultancy Ltd, UK.
Guy St. Jean, DMV, MS, Dipl ACVS, is Professor of Surgery and Former Head in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Ross University, St. Kitts, West Indies.
Adrian Steiner, Dr med vet, FVH, MS, Dr habil, Dipl ECVS, Dipl ECBHM, is Professor and Head at the Clinic for Ruminants, Vetsuisse-Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland.