How many times have you heard this sentence from people who often have never looked at a chart, do not even know what a is, and the only thing they know about trading is the chatter that the operator on duty at a banal call center has told them over the phone. Let me reveal to you the reality of the facts: trading has made those who have had the patience to learn how to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity very rich, but at the same time it has reduced those who approached this business with a ‘casino mentality’ to the brink.
- Should you be day trading? Where to start
- Understanding trends – and how they are affected by changes in market sentiments
- How to interpret what the price is telling you
- How to identify a trade invitation
- How to confirm the validity of a trade invitation
- How and when to use running price to enter a trade
- Simple stop loss rules to manage the risk of a trade going wrong
- When to book profits.
This signal offers traders the ability to capitalize on trends while also factoring in market volatility. These are just a few examples of the indicator-based entry and exit signals that await you within the pages of this book.
Mục lục
Chapter 1: How To Use The Economic Calendar
Chapter 2: Economic News That Matters For The Usd
Chapter 3: Economic News That Matters For The Gbp
Chapter 4: Bank Of Japanwhat To Know When Trading The Jpy
Chapter 5: What Matters For The Euro
Chapter 6: Ecb And Its Mandate
Chapter 7: Federal Reserve Of The Usastructure, Mandate, Role
Chapter 8: What Matters For The Aussie Dollar
Chapter 9: Bank Of Canada And The Loonie Dollar
Chapter 10: Interpreting The Housing Data In The United States
Chapter 11: Bank Of England And Its Role At The Pound’s Fluctuation
Chapter 12: News Trading Vs. Technical Trading
Chapter 13: Macroeconomicshow Investing Starts
Chapter 14: Explaining Forward Guidance
Chapter 15: Deflation Vs. Inflationhow To Fight Them
Chapter 16: Hyperinflation Or What Happens When Money Dies