Tác giả: Alexandra N. Lenz

Ủng hộ
Dr. Christa Dürscheid ist ordentliche Professorin am Deutschen Seminar der Universität Zürich.

6 Ebooks bởi Alexandra N. Lenz

Alexandra N. Lenz & Manfred M. Glauninger: Standarddeutsch im 21. Jahrhundert
Since the beginning of the new millennium, research on the German language in Austria has been characterized by new approaches: alongside work in the tradition of philological dialectology, discourse …
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Alexandra N. Lenz & Franz Patocka: Syntaktische Variation
This volume is concerned with a linguistic level that has only become a growing area of research interest during the past decades. As traditional foci have posed multiple questions concerning the app …
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Alexandra N. Lenz: German Abroad
In den Beiträgen dieses Bands spiegelt sich die linguistische und soziolinguistische Vielfalt potenzieller Sprachkontaktsituationen von deutschsprachigen Sprechergruppen außerhalb des zusammenhängend …
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Alexandra N Lenz & Albrecht Plewnia: Grammar Between Norm and Variation
The articles collected in this volume offer the most various access to the discussed questions on norm and variation. In their entirety, they reflect the current discussion of the topic. Focusing on …