Alison Kitson es Profesora en Educación de Historia y directora de la Initial Teacher Education de la Institution of Education (IOE) de la University of London, R.U.
Susan Steward en investigadora en la Faculty of Education, en la Universidad de Cambridge.
Chris Husbands es Director del Institute of Education de la University of London, R.U. Su campo de investigación además del aprendizaje y enseñanza de la historia en alumnado de 11 a 18 años, incluye también las condiciones de los centros escolares para crear cambio sostenible y proyectos de sistemas educativos de alto desempeño.
7 Ebooks bởi Alison Kitson
Elizabeth A. Cole: Teaching the Violent Past
During an armed conflict or period of gross human rights violations, the first priority is a cessation of violence. For the cease-fire to be more than a lull in hostilities and atrocities, however, i …
Gill Harvey & Alison Kitson: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare
The successful implementation of evidence into practice is dependent on aligning the available evidence to the particular context through the active ingredient of facilitation. Designed to support th …
Gill Harvey & Alison Kitson: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare
The successful implementation of evidence into practice is dependent on aligning the available evidence to the particular context through the active ingredient of facilitation. Designed to support th …
Alison Kitson & Susan Steward: Didáctica de la historia en Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato
Esta obra ofrece una fresca y actual visión de la enseñanza de la historia en las instituciones escolares en un tiempo en el que el valor de los aprendizajes relacionados con el pasado es cuestionado …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Chris Husbands & Alison Kitson: Understanding History Teaching
"Understanding History Teaching is an enjoyable read with a logical and flowing structure. It lives up to its goal of appealing to both academic and professional readers with both academic depth …
Chris Husbands & Alison Kitson: Teaching History 11 – 18
Teaching History 11-18 is a comprehensive introduction to teaching. learning and assessing history in secondary schools. Drawing on cutting edge research and practice, it draws together recent thinki …
Bob Bain & Arthur Chapman: History Education and Historical Inquiry
Inquiry plays a vital role in history as a discipline which constructs knowledge about the past and it is a vital organizing principle in history education in many countries around the world. Inquiry …