This book addresses the growing need for understanding the practical implications of these technologies in the context of financial management. The convergence of AI, ML, and Io T has revolutionized various industries, and business management and finance are no exceptions. This book equips both academics and industry professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the changing landscape and effectively harness these technologies to gain a competitive edge.
‘Intelligent Business’ is a comprehensive guide that explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (Io T) in the realm of business management and finance. This book delves into the transformative potential of these technologies and provides valuable insights into their application in decision-making, risk management, financial analysis, and strategic planning. It offers a holistic perspective on how organizations can leverage AI, ML, and Io T to drive innovation, enhance operational efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth in the digital age.
Mục lục
1.Idea Management Type, Competencies and Capacity Impact on Innovation Results and Financial Performance.- 2.Structural potential of the business environment development in Ukraine.- 3.Role of Management Accounting Methods in Managing Foreign Reserves: Proposed Model.- 4.Neuroscience and Higher Education: Mapping Research Trajectories and Future Perspectives.- 5.Individual determinants of IFRS for SMEs adoption intention in Morocco – a SEM analysis.- 6.Navigating the Future: Innovative Approaches in Business, Technology, and Education.- 7.Proposed Conceptual Framework for the Effect of Female Representation in the Board and Statutory Audit Committee on Creative Accounting Practice.- 8.COMPETITION LAW AND SOCIAL WELFARE SUSTAINABILITY GOALS.- 9.Metaverse as Environment for Marketing Communication.- 10.The Mediating Role of Resilience in the Relationship between Financial Well-Being and Future Financial Situation Expectations, Psychological Well-Being, and Future Anxiety.- 11.Big Data, ESG Scores, and Firms Technical Efficiency.- 12.The Effect of Digitalization on Energy Demand in Low-Carbon Scenarios: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia.- 13.Sustainable Financial Approaches to Water-Energy-Food (WEF) and Climate Change Nexus in Turkey.- 14.A Bioeconomical Approach to Sustainability .- 15.The Impact of Multinational Enterprises on Organizational Performance: A Study on Training and Development Practices in Bahrain.- 16.Risk Management in Local and Multinational Firms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.- 17.The Use of Wearable Technologies and their Impact on Athletic Performance.- 18.Investigating the impact of Innovative Work Behavior of Digital Leaders on Business Sustainability in Times of Crisis: Literature Review Study.- 19.A conceptual Consideration on Family Business and Succession planning in Nigeria.- 20.Rediscovering Traditional Indian Games.- 21.Improving Access to Care for Borderline Personality Disorder.- 22.Exploring the Moderating Role of Board Characteristics in the Relationship between Environmental Disclosure Quality and Financial Performance: Evidence from Jordan.- 23.Exploring Artificial Intelligence adoption in the Banking Sector: multiple case studies.- 24.Exploring Food Hygiene Literacy in Small Business Food Catering in Indonesia: An Effort to Maximize Business Added Value.- 25.The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Employees Performance in Bahrain country.- 26.The cult behind the culture: A framework to promote Kancheepuram silk saree weavers.- 27.Analyzing the Role of Business Model Innovation (BMI) on Performance of Digital Startups.- 28.Investigating the Nexus between Value, Emotions, Attitude and Intentions: Testing a Sequential Model.- 29.Workability: Empowering Intellectual Disabilities through Integrated Technological Intervention.- 30.A Token Economy Governance Model.- 31.The Concept of Financial Sustainability and its Relationship with Company Financial Performance: Management and Shareholders’ Perspectives.- 32.User-Centric Energy Efficiency Interface for Manufacturing Industry.- 33.Enhancing the Experience of Paediatric Hospitals through Spatial Design.- 34.The Grand Narrative of Competitive Advantage and Toy Models.- 35.Strategy Development: The Case of GAMA Power Systems.- 36.Instinctive Approach to KPI.- 37.Human-AI Collaboration in Urban Planning and Design: Augmented Intelligence Approach.- 38.STUDENTS ATTITUDE TOWARDS DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AT SULATANATE OF OMAN.- 39.Breaking Barriers: An In-depth Examination of Entrepreneurial Policies for People with Disabilities in Oman and the Call for Inclusive Reforms.- 40.Exploring Gender Disparities in Online Shopping Attitudes Among University Students in Developing Nations.- 41.Smart City Impact On Economic and Sustainability In Saudi Arabia Country.- 42.Generative AI Research: Chat GPT Research in the Asia-Pacific Region – Demographic and Thematic Trends.- 43.Examining the Impact of Glass Ceiling on Career Progression of Female Administrators and Senior Managers in Academic Institutions, with a Focus on HEI’s in Qatar.- 44.The Impact of Audit Quality on Reducing Earnings Management Practices in the Jordanian Industrial Companies.- 45.Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of Innovative Payment Methods within the Monetary System.- 46.Effect of cloud accounting computing on firm performance.- 47.Green Auditing as a Catalyst for Sustainable Environment in Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry.- 48.Analysis Revenue Recognition by Using Self-Developed Disclosure Index Based on MFRS 15 Requirements Among Malaysian Public Listed Companies.- 49.Application of MFRS 119 Employee Benefits in Malaysian Firm.- 50.The extent of goodwill disclosure: A comparative study in the pre-and post-COVID-19 pandemic.- 51.Financial Technology and Islamic Banks Performance: Evidence from Bahrain.- 52.Factors Affecting VAT Compliance in Companies: Evidence from Kingdom of Bahrain.- 53.Legal Protection For The Worker in Work Accidents to and From The Workplace .- 54.Organization of Labor Protection Work in Kazakhstan: Introduction and Initial Instructions.