Nicomachean Ethics deals with character and its proper development in the acquisition of thoughtful habits directed toward appropriate ends. The articles in this unique collection, many new or not readily available, form a continuos commentary on the
Ethics. Philosophers and classicists alike will welcome them.
Nicomachean Ethics deals with character and its proper development in the acquisition of thoughtful habits directed toward appropriate ends. The articles in this unique collection, many new or not readily available, form a continuos com
Mục lục
1. Aristotle on Eudaimonia
Thomas Nagel
2. Aristotle on Eudaimonia
]. L. Ackrill ·
3. The Metaphysical and Psychological Basis of
Aristotle’s Ethics
T. H. Irwin
4. Self-Movers
David ]. Furley
5. Aristotle on Learning to Be Good
M. F. Burnyeat
6. Aristotle on Action
]. L. Ackrill
7. Being Properly Affected: Virtues and Feelings in
Aristotle’s Ethics
L.A. Kosman
8. Reason and Responsibility in Aristotle
T. H. Irwin
9. Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean
J. 0. Urmson
10. Courage as a Mean
David Pears
11. Justice as a Virtue
Bernard Williams
12. Aristotle on the Role of Intellect in Virtue
Richard Sorabji
13. Deliberation and Practical Reason
David Wiggins
14. Weakness of Will, Commensurability, and the
Objects of Deliberation and Desire
David Wiggins
15. Akrasia and Pleasure: Nicomachean Ethics Book 7
Amelie 0. Rorty
16. Aristotle on Pleasure and Goodness
Julia Annas
17. Aristotle on Friendship
John M. Cooper
18. The Good Man and the Good for Man in
Aristotle’s Ethics
Kathleen V. Wilkes
19. The Role of Eudaimonia in Aristotle’s Ethics
John Mc Dowell
20. The Place of Contemplation in Aristotle’s
Nicomachean Ethics
Amelie 0. Rorty
21. Shame, Separateness, and Political Unity: Aristotle’s
Criticism of Plato
Martha Craven Nussbaum