Tác giả: Andrea Peto

Ủng hộ
Michaela Köttig is Professor of Communication and Conflict Resolution at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Her research interests currently focus on biographies and family histories. Renate Bitzan is Professor of Social Sciences at the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany. She researches and teaches gender and diversity. Andrea Pető is Professor at the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, and is a Hungarian Academy of Sciences Doctor of Science.

12 Ebooks bởi Andrea Peto

Michaela Köttig & Renate Bitzan: Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe
This book is a systematic consideration of the link between the extreme right and the discourse about developments in regard to gender issues within different national states. The contributors analyz …
Maren Behrensen & Marianne Heimbach-Steins: Gender – Nation – Religion
Über Ehe und Familie, über Abtreibungsrechte, die Rechte sexueller Minderheiten, Sexualkundeunterricht oder Gleichstellungspolitiken wird nach wie vor heftig gestritten. Dabei werden genderbezogene T …
tiếng Đức
Ayse (Sabanci University, Turkey) Altinay & Andrea Peto: Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories
The Introduction of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at http://www.taylorf …
Ayse (Sabanci University, Turkey) Altinay & Andrea Peto: Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories
The Introduction of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at http://www.taylorf …
Michal Vit: The EU’s Impact on Identity Formation in East-Central Europe between 2004 and 2013
The Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia share similar experiences in the past, and a swift post-communist integration into the originally West European communities of democratic countries, as their …
Ingrid Bauer & Christa Hämmerle: Politik – Theorie – Erfahrung
Dieser Band versammelt Gespräche, die in den 30 Jahren des Bestehens von ‘L’Homme. Z. F. G.’ mit namhaften Akteur*innen der feministischen Geschichtswissenschaft geführt wurden. Es werden Feminismen …
tiếng Đức
Andrea Pető: The Women of the Arrow Cross Party
This book analyses the actions, background, connections and the eventual trials of Hungarian female perpetrators in the Second World War through the concept of invisibility. It examines why and how f …
Andrea Pető: The Forgotten Massacre
The book discusses a formerly unknown and invisible massacre in Budapest in 1944, committed by a paramilitary group lead by a women. Andrea Pető uncovers the gripping history of the fi rst private Ho …
Andrea Petö: Das Unsagbare erzählen
Wie erzählt man das Unsagbare, für das nicht nur die Zuhörer, sondern auch die Begrifflichkeiten jahrzehntelang fehlten? Andrea Petö stellt sich mit ihrer Pionierstudie der Herausforderung, die Gesch …
tiếng Đức
Ildiko Barna & Andrea Peto: Political Justice in Budapest after World War II
In Hungary, which fell under Soviet influence at the end of World War II, those who had participated in the wartime atrocities were tried by so called people’s courts. This book analyses this process …
Izabella Agardi: On the Verge of History
Rural women have not had a formative role in the public histories of Central Eastern Europe. Izabella Agárdi aims to correct that by concentrating on their life stories and their connections to gener …
Andrea Pető: Nasilie i molchanie
Eta kniga — rezul’tat mnogoletnego issledovaniia o seksualizirovannom nasilii nad zhenshchinami v Vengrii vo Vtoroi mirovoi voine. S pomoshch’iu arkhivnykh istochnikov, interv’iu i lichnykh dnevnikov …