Dr. Andreas Mauthe, Multimedia Communications Lab – KOM, Germany
Dr. Peter Thomas, blue order Gmb H, Germany
Both authors have been working in the area of multimedia and content management for
a number of years. While working together on the development of content management
systems and within projects, a lot of knowledge was accumulated about all the issues
related to the handling and management of content in a professional production and
broadcast environment.
2 Ebooks bởi Andreas Mauthe
Eduardo Cerqueira & Marilia Curado: Future Multimedia Networking
It isour greatpleasureto welcomeyouto the Second International Workshopon Future Multimedia Networking (FMN). Following the ?rst successful workshop (held in Cardi?, Wales) in 2008, this year’s works …
Andreas Mauthe & Peter Thomas: Professional Content Management Systems
Content and Content Management are core topics in the IT and broadcast industry. However these terms have not been clearly defined for those learning the field. The topic is complex and users from di …