Tác giả: Andrew Turnell

Ủng hộ
Previously Professor of Children and Families Research, and Director of the Children and Families Research Centre at De Montfort University, Bob Broad is a qualified teacher and social worker. He became a researcher following a lectureship on Social Work Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has undertaken, published and managed research in the fields of foster care, children leaving pubic care, kinship care, grandparenting and participation.

7 Ebooks bởi Andrew Turnell

David Pitcher: Inside Kinship Care
Kinship care – the care of children by grandparents, other relatives or friends – is a major part of foster care, yet there are distinct issues that arise in care involving family rather than ‘strang …
Ruth Gardner: Tackling Child Neglect
With contributions from internationally recognized experts, this edited volume presents original thinking on the theory, research and practice surrounding child neglect. Comprehensive and current, th …
Steve Myers & Judith Milner: Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution Focused Approaches
An authoritative, interdisciplinary book which outlines how solution focused practice is particularly effective in addressing violent behaviour in clients and service users, encompassing work with bo …
Nicholas Burnett: Solutions Focused Special Education
Drawing on the work of innovative educators, this edited volume shows how adopting a solutions focused approach can offer new constructive ways forward for special education. Diverse international co …
Andrew Turnell & Steve Edwards: Veilig opgroeien
In Veilig opgroeien (oorspronkelijke titel Signs of Safety), wordt een nieuwe benadering in de bescherming van kinderen gepresenteerd. Hulpverleners in de jeugdzorg en kinderbescherming kunnen hierme …
tiếng Hà Lan
Andrew Turnell: Als er ‘niets aan de hand’ is
De schrijvers van ‘Als er ‘niets aan de hand’ is’ hebben ook in ons land veel succes met hun methode ‘Veilig opgroeien’ (oorspronkelijke titel: ‘Signs of Safety’). In dit tweede boek laten zij zien d …
tiếng Hà Lan
Susanne Essex & Andrew Turnell: Working with Denied Child Abuse: the Resolutions Approach
How can professionals build constructive relationships with families where the parents dispute professional allegations of serious child abuse? How can meaningful safety for children be created in th …